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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Corporate education reforms, vouchers, charter schools and common core take a beating!

Let’s start with Vouchers, from the Washington Post’s Answer Sheet: More trouble has cropped up for the D.C. school voucher program, the only federally funded program in the country that sends children to private school using public money to pay the tuition.

A new U.S. General Accountability Office report says that  the local agency that administers the program — which has used $152 million in federal funds since 2004 for more than 5,000 students from low-income families – lacks the “financial systems, controls, policies, and procedures” to ensure that federal funds are being spent legally. It also says the U.S. Education Department has not exercised its oversight responsibilities well enough.

No good news about Charter Schools either. Two were called educational travesties and ordered to close in Ohio. From the Columbus Dispatch:  In a rare move, the state schools superintendent has ordered the shutdown of two brand-new Columbus charter schools — open for only a few weeks — because of conditions so unsafe they amounted to an “educational travesty.” 

Sadly something like this happens about once a week in my home state of Florida.

Finally lets talk about Common Core, apparently it is set up so teachers will fail as the Teacher of the Year in New York State couldn’t even register a highly effective while teaching it. From the Diane Ravitch blog:  New York’s Teacher of the Year testified to the State Senate Education Committee that the education evaluation system made it impossible for her to be rated “highly effective” because of the “dysfunctional implementation” of the Common Core standards.

Corporate reform: A lack of financial oversight, charter schools not teaching and public school teaches set up to fail, sounds about right.

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