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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Teachers talk about discipline if Duval County Schools.

From various readers who are teachers.

The new code states kiddos finally get after school detention for SEVEN TARDIES to the same class...why bother? and the cycle restarts with each quarter...i did write 2 young ladies up for 7 T's and the note said they were counseled because they didn't realize the importance of arriving on time.....

Why even bother? I had an Admin compliment me once on never writing a referral. I told her that only good teachers write referrals. The look on her face was priceless. But I'm close to retirement and can say stuff like that.

I wrote my first one last week. It was returned to me today with a note telling me to call home.

If vitti stopped this then why were we told the district said we were writing too many referrals We are actually seeing referrals still not being handled. Our new dean more friend than authority figure

I don't generate paper (referrals) unless I absolutely have to in order to protect my ass. COMPLETELY gave up fighting the use of the word "nigga". 

As long as they keep the same Student Progressive Discipline Plan; as long as they require teachers to do many discipline interventions; as long as they insist on teachers using the ineffective CHAMPS; as long as they refuse to support teachers and blame teachers for student misbehavior things will not improve. Behavior would much improve if students were assessed "0s" for unexcused absences including suspensions. Another novel idea....quit making school miserable for students, teachers and principals with the high stakes testing and all the test prep.

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