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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Is Gary Chartrand trying to starve our schools of resources?

Gary Chartrand is no fan of public education; he has invested millions in charter schools, Teach for America and the pretend teacher association, the professional educator’s network.  Throw in race based goals and him voting multiple times to deceive the people of Florida by masking and tweaking the A-F grading system then it is inexplicable to me that he has any position of power.

Sadly however as chairman of the state board of education, that’s right he went from top 50 in grocery store news to running our schools, he has lots of power and he may be using that power to starve our schools of needed resources.

From HT politics: Members of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, which will write its own public school funding plan in the spring, questioned whether the state agency’s request adequately reflected the needs in the 67 school districts.

Sen. Bill Montford, D-Tallahassee, who is also the head of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents, raised the issue of funding for school buses and other transportation services, noting the districts have been facing rising fuel costs as well as an increasing demand for bus stops.

“I think that’s an area that we need to at least give some attention to,” Montford said.

Basically Montford and other state senators believe the DOE is low balling their needs.  The article also went on to talk about health care needs and technology needs and how the DOE budget doesn’t adequately address them

Why would they do that? Well friends there are two possible reasons, it is because the board led by Chartrand is composed of people who don’t believe or even like public education and would like to see it fail or they don’t know what they are doing. Who wants to bet it is a combination of both?

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