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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Is the solution to guns in schools more guns?

Sarasota Republican Greg Steube thinks so and has introduced legislation to make it happen.

When John Oliver posted his internet meme which said, one failed attempt at a shoe bomb and we all have to take our shoes off at the airport, while at the same time there have been 31 school shootings since Columbine and no changes in the regulation of guns, I am not sure more guns was what he had in mind.

Florida's response to the FSU shooting and the other tragedies around the nation should not to be to put more guns in our schools or armed guards at the doors. If Florida is not willing to put in reasonable restrictions like extending waiting limits, reducing the size of clips and magazines, and requiring back ground checks for everyone purchasing a gun, then can we please address mental illnesses? 

Some state legislators have talked about returning the state surplus which I remind you was built with a three percent income tax applied to teachers and other state workers to the citizens of Florida. Instead of putting a couple bucks through automotive fees or the ending of home phone taxes back in our pockets let me suggest we invest that money in creating a mental health infrastructure that would help prevent future tragedies. It would also have the added benefit of improving school performance because often why a kid acts up or does poorly in school has nothing to do with school.

Could we all use fifteen to twenty extra dollars? Sure but who among us wouldn’t spend that money to help keep our loved ones safe? 

1 comment:

  1. In the west, the solution to guns is more guns. Maybe Greg Steube originated from Tombstone and finds it difficult to evolve into the 21st Century.
