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Saturday, June 2, 2018

Did dinosaurs and people exist at the same time? Private schools that receive public money are teaching it.


Most private schools that receive vouchers don't even have to report how the money is spent. 

Teachers at private schools don't have to be certified, have a degree and can be felons.

Over a billion dollars a year is siphoned away from public schools to go to private schools that take vouchers.

The tests given for so called accountability purposes in public schools are not given in private schools, not even the ones that take public money.

These schools don't have to have a recognized curriculum and for the most part they can teach whatever they want.

From the Orlando Sentinel:

Some private schools in Florida that rely on public funding teach students that dinosaurs and humans lived together, that God’s intervention prevented Catholics from dominating North America and that slaves who “knew Christ” were better off than free men who did not.

At the Orlando Sentinel’s request, educators from Florida colleges and school districts reviewed textbooks and workbooks from these publishers, looking at elementary reading and math, middle school social studies and high school biology materials.
They found numerous instances of distorted history and science lessons that are outside mainstream academics. The books denounce evolution as untrue, for example, and one shows a cartoon of men and dinosaurs together, telling students the Biblical Noah likely brought baby dinosaurs onto his ark. The science books, they added, seem to discourage students from doing experiments or even asking questions.
“Students who have learned science in this kind of environment are not prepared for college experiences,” said Cynthia Bayer, a biology lecturer at the University of Central Florida who reviewed the science books. “They would be intellectually disadvantaged.”
The social studies books downplay the horrors of slavery and the mistreatment of Native Americans, they said. One book, in its brief section on the civil rights movement, said that “most black and white southerners had long lived together in harmony” and that “power-hungry individuals stirred up the people.”
The books are rife with religious and political opinions on topics such as abortion, gay rights and the Endangered Species Act, which one labels a “radical social agenda.” They disparage religions other than Protestant Christianity and cultures other than those descended from white Europeans. Experts said that was particularly worrisome given that about 60 percent of scholarship students are black or Hispanic.
Um what?!? This is 2018.
You know if the money for these schools came from private sources, batsh*t crazy private sources, I would just sigh and shake my head but its not, the money paying for this mind numbing crap is coming out of our pockets.  
How can we allow this to continue?

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