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Friday, June 29, 2018

Tim Sloan, SB district 4 candidate uses his daughter as a prop at forum

First let me say I have no doubt that Mr. Sloan loves his daughter and with him supporting her she will be nothing but successful, but with that being said, come on, she and the public deserve better than him using her as a prop.

Let me set the scene. Fours school board candidates were finishing up a forum put on by the Friends of Northwest Jacksonville Schools had organized and put on. When it was Sloan's turn he left the table and approached the crowd and eventually called his daughter up. Just as surprised as I am sure the audience was it took a little coaxing on his part for her to join him.

When she did so, he promised to do for our children (the people of district 4) what he would do for his.

A nice sentiment for sure but one he could have made without embarrassing his daughter. 

You might have picked up that I am not a fan of Sloan or his candidacy and I am not. His main qualification seems to be he is retired military (thank you for your service) and he has plenty of free time.

At the forum he neither seemed to have a grasp on the issues and lacked ideas. Though one idea I have heard him sell before, the involuntary transfer of teachers I think is horrible.

He would like to see our most successful teachers go to our must struggling schools and when put that way the idea has merit. The problem is he wants to force them to go there, transfer them against their will. Now I have long thought with smaller classes and a combination of behavior and academic supports we could get a fair amount of transfers, notice I didn't say bribes which is what the last super tried to do, but forcing teachers to move I believe would have disastrous consequences. 

Then he once told me when he ran, he would take that sweet sweet Chartrand and Rummell money and not think twice about it.

Finaly to be honest how serious is he? It's almost July and he has neither a web site or a Facebook page.

Undoubtedly Tim Sloan loves his daughter and I have no reason to believe he is nothing short of a great parent too, that being said, it is hubris not care for our schools that has motivated his run for the school board.

If Sloan cares about his daughter the way he says he does, he should drop out of the race and let people with experience, ideas and a track record proceed forward without him muddying the waters. 

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