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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Does the Duval County school board think you are dumb?

One day when I was a kid I didn’t feel like going to school. I faked a stomach ache and asked my mom if I could stay home. She said let me take your temperature. When she stepped out for a minute I put the thermometer against a light bulb figuring if I could get it to read around 100 I could spend the day eating cheetos and watching television. When I looked at the thermometer it read 108 and I knew my mother would never buy that. Well friends, that’s what the Duval County School Board does, they ask you to believe things you instantly know can’t be true. Take for example:

Suspensions are down 71%

On campus arrests are down 64%

The graduation rate is up 14%

And if any of you believe any of these numbers approach the reality of what is happening in our schools, are you more interested in swamp land or a bridge I have for sale?

When asked to explain these dramatic increases, the district invariably points to some vague training or offers crickets.

You know what friends, they could switch me to teaching calculus and at the end of the year I could make it so that all the kids in my class made an A but that wouldn’t mean any learning or teaching went on. To be honest all it would mean was I was good at entering the letter A into a computer. You see anybody can enter numbers into a spread sheet (or not if they are supposed to) and that’s what the school board does while simultaneously asking you to suspend beleif and please don’t take my word for it.

Use your eyes or talk to a teacher.

What happened to me when I was a kid? I had my butt beat and never did it again. What’s happening to the school board? Well two care so little and figure you are so dumb that they are running for their third and forth terms respectively.

I hope you aren’t dumb.

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