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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Duval County School Board’s biggest gaffs of the last 15 months

The call for financial urgency which ultimately saw them give teachers more than they originally asked for to make the whole thing go away

Paying fifty thousand dollars for a motivational speaker (they later cancelled the event)

Paying a hundred K salary to a public relations expert

Having a beach retreat

The whole Duval Partners debacle

Allowing principals to let go teachers without explaining why or even giving them notice

Fighting tooth and nail to retain control of the intervene schools and then giving them away to an EMO just days before the school year began

Voting to give themselves a pay raise (though individually several have said they will turn it down)

Allowing KIPP schools to expand even after the origional one was a first year failure

Finally, allowing a lame duck superintendent to further drag the district down

1 comment:

  1. Not caring about laying off teachers and at the same time hiring more and more and more administrators at $90,000 and above.
