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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Teach for America’s Duval numbers tumble, money wasted, kids pay the price

In 2008, 51 Teach for America teachers came to Duval County; two years past their two-year commitment only four remained.

In 2009, 41 Teach for America teachers came to the county, one-year past their commitment only ten remain.

Think about this as an economic issue, first the district pays a 2,400 hundred dollar finders fee for each TFA recruit and then schools routinely spend thousand on training novice teachers and the vast amount of this money is wasted because so few stay around.

Furthermore we have local teachers and college of ed grads looking for positions and they can’t find jobs. These people not only live in the area but also are for more likely to last more than two years.

The county has contracted to bring in a hundred TFA teachers next year, non-education majors to work in our most needy schools. This is just bad business all around.

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