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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Duval moves 148 principals over the last 4 years, continuity anyone?


That is a grand total of 148 moves in 4 years (more if you count during the school year moves). Duval only has 162 schools and yes I purposely didn't count the charter schools and for a variety of reasons. Many of our public schools are working on their third and fourth principals in the last 4 years. Look for the piece later today about  how the lack of continuity hurts our schools. 


  1. Yeah and please explain how a idiot like Crystal Lewis can get a D in 2010 a D in 2011 and a possible F in 2012 and not get let go ?She got sent to a better School !

  2. The reason she got the D is because she kept running off the talented teachers. Surprised to see an AP being promoted to principal at Andrew Robinson. Pretty large school for a newbie.

  3. Surprised to see principal at Spring Park not transferred or demoted to AP. Serious problems at school with student behavior and lack of consequences. Also surprised to see 3 or 4 Teachers promoted to AP's at their same school. I thought this was verboten.

  4. My principal and A.P.s remain. Very depressing. Same problems as above with student behavior and lack of consequences and good teachers leaving for better environment. Dread next year. No meaningful change, mor of the same. Vitti didn't deliver, so Duval wil not improve.

  5. Fishweir and Sadie Tillis only did a switcheroo so Larry Dennis wouldn't be supervising his own wife probably.

  6. I was glad to see mine go. Sometimes change is a good thing.
