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Saturday, July 27, 2013

The real reason Jeb Bush wanted the Parent Trigger bill

The real reason Jeb Bush wanted the parent trigger bill was so he could hasten the privatization of our public schools. Let not kid ourselves, charters and vouchers are mechanisms of privatization and had the parent trigger passed there would have been one more bullet in their gun.

When Florida changed it’s grading system it assured the amount of F schools, the amount of schools that would have been eligible for take over, would increase. This had charter school operators salivating as dollar signs replaced the pupils in their eyes. The amount of F schools in Florida more than doubled this year and as we transition to common core the yearly doubling has just begun.

When the parent trigger returns next year for round three don’t make the mistake of thinking it is about improving education outcomes for children. All it will be is a cynical cash grab for charter school operators, hedge fund managers, more than a few legislators with ties to the industry and their sycophants and cronies.  

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