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Friday, July 5, 2013

Trey Czar and his high flyers or news flash if you want to be rich you shouldn’t be a teacher

There is something that people in the business world just can’t understand. They can’t get their heads around the fact that some people make decisions not based on money.

Trey Czar the six-figured leader of the Jacksonville public Education fund is obviously one of those individuals. In the Folio he said, Teaching is generally a very steady career, Csar explained, and much of the pay, in the form of retirement benefits, is going to come on the back-end of a teacher’s career.
“But if you’re a real high-flyer,” he added, “it doesn’t offer a growth opportunity.”
Um news flash, if you want to be monetarily rich, you shouldn’t be a teacher. Teachers have to derive their wealth from other sources. The knowledge that a child learned something new or that they touched and positively impacted lives are where teachers find their wealth.
I don’t envy bankers or the super rich, well maybe the Thursday before payday when I am eating ramen noodles but other than that not at all. When I talk about education needs and don’t think for a second there aren’t plenty it may take me a while before I get to teacher’s salaries not that I don’t think teachers are underpaid. To give you some scale as a 12th year teacher I would have to receive a 14k raise to be meet the nations average but at the same time I wouldn’t take that salary to go work in an office.
Trey Czar obviously doesn’t get it. We don’t need to make things easier for the high flyers, those people like Trey who want to be involved in education but who don’t really want to work with kids, no we need to make things better for the rank and file teacher. 

1 comment:

  1. Trey Czar sounds like a fictitious name. Condescending a$$.
