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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Duval's TOY Apryl Shackelford unwittingly in Rick Scott Reelection ad.

Many of you may know but for those that don't I was highly critical of Duval's teacher of the year for appearing in a campaign ad for Rick Scott. Well it now seems that she was in the ad unwittingly.

From  But Apryl Shackelford, a middle school teacher from Duval County, wasn't pleased when she learned from a reporter she was featured in video urging Scott's re-election.

"I don't think it's appropriate for me to be in any political ad, Democrat or Republican" as a statewide teacher of the year finalist, she said. "It's inappropriate for me to speak for 8,000 teachers" in Duval County. "I can't say what party they should choose."

To be honest I wish she would have been more critical of Scott but fair enough to her and Shame on Scott and his campaign for being deceptive. 


  1. Did Apryl know she was speaking about Scott? From what I saw in the video, it appears she knew exactly about whom she was speaking. Accountability includes more than student performance; it includes the choices we make as educators. If she did meet the governor or any politician, good manners should apply to the situation, but good manners does include saying a positive about someone who has done more than his fair share to destroy the public school system. Apryl, next time try imitating the Swiss and stay neutral -- then you can't be used.
