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Saturday, July 27, 2013

School Grades are out and who cares?

School grades don't improve schools, students or teachers but they sure as heck punish them. –cpg

From the Miami Herald: Even though student test scores have held steady — and are in some cases rising — Florida has a record-high 107 F-rated schools this year, state education leaders announced on Friday.
From the Sun Sentinel: The Florida Department of Education said statewide the number of A-rated schools dropped from 48 percent to 29 percent. Meanwhile, the number of F schools jumped from 2 to 4 percent.
From the Gainesville Sun: State officials predicted the drop as a result of Florida's ever-changing and increasingly complicated accountability formula, which grades schools on an A-to-F scale.
From the Orlando Sentinel: Despite a last-minute effort by Florida education officials to reduce the effect of tough new standards on annual school grades, results for elementary and middle schools released Friday by the state Department of Education show a sharp increase in D and F schools and fewer A schools as well.
From the Tallahassee Democrat: Statewide, 39 percent fewer schools received A’s for the 2012-13 school year than they did the year before — an unprecedented decline, especially among elementary schools.

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