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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Duval surpluses 203 teachers

July 1, 2013
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2011
July 1, 2010
July 1, 2009
July 1, 2008
July 1, 2007
This was provided to me by the county, according to them it is the lowest amount of teachers surplussed in years. I get it, every year teachers have to be surplussed, budgets and enrollments change, I just hope the ones that want, get their jobs back before 50 TFA teachers are placed.


  1. The number is closer to 400, not counting AC teachers who were dropped despite having good evaluations. And, yes, I got my numbers directly from a friend in HR. Where did you get yours?

  2. Can we ask that Duval release the numbers for how many Annual Contract teachers received letters from HR during the second week of June that they were cut along with ALL AC teachers. BUT that's not true as many AC teachers were kept. SO DCPS, what's the real story? And why did you lose many good teachers based on a single principal's pointing of the finger, an administrator that you also moved around?

  3. I got it from Marsha Oliver at the district, she even put it in the little box for me. If you can have your friend contact me I can put it on here anonymously.

  4. I and several other district resource teachers (art, music and PE) were surplused due to VItti's wanting a fulltime resource teacher of each discipline in every elementary school. I WAS ALREADY fulltime in my school, but a principal was reassigned there and chose to kick me to the curb, a 9-year veteran with 7 years at said school. The curious thing is she did not choose to suplus the other two resource teachers, they get to stay. My evals are above average, I did a lot in my field at the school and the kids LOVED me, as did most parents. I am racking my brain trying to figure out WHY?! And I ended up being placed in one of the worst schools in the district. It almost seems as if it was a punishment of sorts, but for what?

  5. Anonymous, At least you have been placed. Some of us are still waiting with no explaination and no timeline. I am sure we are still expected to attend the Teacher Academy and absorb all that knowledge, but as non-employees I was told that it is not possible. Oh well, I am sure we will still be held accountable for the information provided at this non-mandatory summer workshop. What a great way to start a new year!
