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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Being perfect is a problem in Florida

From the Palm Beach Post: As we reported this week, it turns out that teachers’ evaluations can be hurt by students who earn perfect scores on Florida’s standardized tests.
That’s right. When students have earned a perfect score one year, Florida’s teacher-rating formula predicts that they should earn scores higher than perfect the following year. When they don’t, their teachers get demerits for supposedly not helping them improve enough.
But since most students don’t get perfect scores, how often is this actually a problem?
Up to tens of thousands of times a year, it turns out.
Data provided by the Florida Department of Education show that more than 15,000 students in Florida earned a perfect score last year on the reading portion of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. More than 13,000 earned a perfect score on the math portion.
Need proof Florida is stacking the deck against teachers? Sorry need more proof. Then what about all the kids who just did really well, how much damage is that doing to teacher's VAM scores. 

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