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Thursday, April 30, 2015

JPEF clarifies they aren't responsible for the increase in graduation rates just creating the conditions so that it could occur.

Those guys are unbelievable. It's almost laughable.

I asked the JPEF if they were taking credit for the districts increase in the graduation rate and this was the exchange.

 Um, at the 3:45 mark, did you guys take credit for the increase of the graduation rate?

Chris: Actually, just the opposite. The video is trying to show that it takes a wide variety of players - like an orchestra - to help students succeed. So from teachers to volunteers to voters to nonprofits to the many other entities that support public education, everyone has a role to play.

To which I replied

That's cool, just when the narrator said, "the JPEF has created the conditions for change, a strategic quantifiable turn around that is putting Duval County on the map nation wide" while showing the improvement of the graduation rate it seemed to be like you were taking the credit, but you're not you are just taking credit for creating the conditions for it to occur. Thanks for clarifying. It's a good thing you guys are here if not Winter would have probably arrived by now.

That last part was a Game of Throne reference in case you missed it, but there you have it, everyone has a role to play and it was just their role to "create the conditions for change, a strategic quantifiable turn around that is putting Duval County on the map nation wide" That's it, that's the part they played.

Oy &^#$ing Vey


  1. How is Duval on a map nation-wide? The only thing that comes to my mind is the dismal pay and the absenteeism of our depressed teacher. Am I missing something?

    1. Look at a map of the nation. Duval is on that map. Maps are wide. It's a true statement. The best bullshit has a grain of truth.
