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Friday, October 2, 2015

Just who would the state board of education listen to? (rough draft)

My bet is only Jeb "stuff happens" Bush.

The state board of education last weeks aid they had lost confidence in the accountability system.

Then this week the PTA said, "The fact that the school districts have lost faith in the decisions of the Department of Education must be rectified. Parents and community stakeholders will not continue to tolerate this mess," the Florida PTA said.

And the Florida Association of School Administrators has joined the growing call for Florida to temporarily halt school grades while leaders sort out the concerns and questions surrounding state testing and accountability.

"District and school based administrators also question why we continue to push a high stakes test which was not administered the first time as a base year and was flawed in administration," FASA executive director Juhan Mixon wrote in a message to members early Friday. "We concur with the superintendents' conclusion that, 'There is no evidence that the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is fully aligned to or measures Florida Standards.' And we echo the superintendents in asking for an 'extensive review of the accountability system."

Followed by the Florida School Board association who likewise had damning words for the commissioner and state board. In a statement today, the group said it "firmly supports the Florida Standards and valid and reliable state assessments to measure student progress in mastering those standards.
"However, Florida school board members are deeply concerned about the integrity of Florida’s current accountability system, which they believe has continuously deteriorated," the group continued. "Additionally, the FSBA is concerned with the lack of trust from educators, students and the broader public in the fairness of statewide assessments and standards."
Only the state board of education, commissioner of education and a smattering of politicians seem to want to go forward. The reason, they don't represents the state's schools, students, parents and teachers and instead they represent outside interests who want to see our system fail.

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