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Monday, October 5, 2015

Trey Csar and Superintendet Vitti call Gary Chartrand out.

You know its bad when two men who owe their jobs to him cal him out for his disastrous testing policies.

From the Times Union: Duval Superintendent Nikolai Vitti said it seemed designed to make schools and districts look bad and state leaders look tough. “No student, teacher, principal or school deserves to be labeled as failing based on this flawed process,” he told teachers. “State officials are manufacturing and ensuring lower performances in the name of ‘greater accountability and higher standards.’ But to what end? … Florida’s system has … been ruined by political and ideological ambition and arrogance.”

Meanwhile, parents should pay attention to the percentile ranking of their students on the reports, said Csar, of the public education fund.
Percentile data makes it easier to rank students along with their peers. Students with 88 percentile scored higher than 87 percent of the students in their grade.
Even if a child’s percentile is substantially below 50, parents shouldn’t panic, Csar said. They should contact their child’s teachers and look at schoolwork and homework.

“It’s just one window from one test,” he said. “It has the potential to be helpful.”
Admittedly Vitti's words were a lot stronger than Csars but there can be no doubt that one of the people that they are talking about is state board member Gary Chartrand who brought them both to the city.
Now we have to just hope that Gary Chartrand which has called for raisin the cut scores and going ahead with school grades listens, sadly though I wouldn't hold my breath.

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