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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Anybody have questions for Vitti?

You can ask him at the community meeting tomorrow or send them to me and I will.

Date : November 18
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: Journey Church


Journey Church (Main Sanctuary) 
6225 Lake Gray Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32244

The Times Union has the meeting taking place somewhere else but above is from the district web-site.

He can't ignore us all.


  1. You need to check address I go to Journey Church Lake Gray Dr. off Blanding and Sunday our Pastor said the meeting is there.I was told from school administration earlier this year it was at Richards road also.

  2. It's at Journey Church Lake Gray Blvd.

  3. Mr. Vitti, how do you answer parents who are fed up and disgusted wth this new curriculum and are saying they are leaving for the charters because of the overwhelming dissatisfaction with the confusing and illogical curriculum, the lack of hands on books, the lack of recess, lack of creativity in the classroom, and the district micromanagement of veteran teachers with a successful track record?

    How do you plan to retain veteran teachers who are feeling disrespected and micromanaged. The average lessons in Duval Reads are requiring between 30-60 minutes of preparation for each lesson.. teachers are only being paid until 3:10. Are you asking that teachers spend the 1.5-3 hours of their personal time, on top of grading papers, creating differentiated lessons... have you talked with any veteran teachers about the ridiculous amount of time that is being spent trying to figure out the Engage lessons, create the items needed to implement most of the lesson?

  4. Chris, I’m surprised that Dr. Vitti will take questions from you. Keep up the good work. I have so many questions, but here’s a few.

    If first graders are just learning how to read, why doesn’t the new 1st grade READING INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL have a book for the children to hold and follow along with?

    As a 1st grade parent who dislikes the new 1st grade ELA curriculum what can I do to get it changed.

    I’m not comfortable that the K-2nd grade reading instructional material passed on a tie, is there anyway to have a revote on this?

    You will have to use a sarcastic tone for this question. How is reading material in front of a class word for word and holding up a boring picture teaching? Can we replace teachers with minimum wage employees to save money?

    What is a ziggurat?

  5. 5941 Richard St., Jacksonville, FL 32216

  6. My daughter is in 1st grade and the requirements are just way to hard , some of the home work they send home I can't even understand especially the math.. The reading requirements are outrageous and they cannot learn all they need to know in class and most parents also work and don't have 2-3 hours to sit at night helping a first grader do homework. Some changes need to be made.. It was not like this when I sent my 2 other children to the same school over 5 years ago.. These kids are being set up for failure if they don't have a parent that's able to do homework with them every night to try and help them, the worst part is watching your child struggle and they feel like a failure because they just don't get this curriculum.

  7. Chris will you recap what questions were answered by Vitti?

  8. Anybody have info from the chat with the supe?
