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Monday, November 30, 2015

Duval's use of Teach for America should be a civil rights violation

It's been all over the news the last few days, that the Department of Education is opening a civil rights investigation into Duval County Public Schools. Their concern is that the city's minority children are getting shortchanged.

Well one blatant way we are shortchanging our minority students is by placing Teach for America hobbyists recruits in those schools that are mostly minority.

Teach for America takes non education majors who go through a five week access course and puts them in our mostly minority and poorest schools where they are supposed to serve two years (about a fifth don't make it) to be replaced by a new set, assuring a constant revolving door of teachers. They in affect are doing the exact opposite of what we know is best for our kids, who need experienced teachers and this is a program that Duval has expanded from 50 to 200.

Friends they only go to the schools where their lack of training and experience can do the most damage. You won't find one TFAer in Mandarin or at the beach.

Why don't our minority kids deserve experienced or trained educators? This is a question the district should answer and that I hope the Department of Education asks.

To read more, click the link:

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention, our students aren't doing the same curriculum. If you look at the beaches schools you won't find Engage NY. Title 1 schools are required to keep up with this ridiculous "rigor" of developmentally inappropriate content. Also, another reason why they are so tough on Title 1 school is because they don't want to have to pay these teachers their performance based pay. I know that I got more than 90% learning gains and I've yet to hear anything about my raise.
