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Thursday, June 28, 2018

It is time to close Jackson High School

I know especially with their back to back B grades and their magnet possibilities this may not e a popular opinion but here me out before you excoriate me.

I have no doubt great things are going on at Jackson, great kids being taught by dedicated teachers but in this day and age sadly that isn't enough.

I asked the district for the enrollments at Raines, Ribault and Jackson and this is what they told me.

Whoa, 415 students, now I admit they have room to grow, lots and lots of room to grow but should they be allowed too?

You know who also has lots of room to grow? Raines and Ribault. It wasn't that long ago that both of those schools had well over 2000 students.

Jackson is also a dedicated magnet school now which means the kids in the neighborhood that aren't interested in their programs have alternatives.

Speaking of their programs I am not saying we should get rid of them, on the contrary they should be allowed to find homes at Ribault, Raines, Paxon or Stanton.

We just can't have a high school that is that small. We can't, it's a terrible misuse of our limited resources.

But I am not done, what I think we should do next is move the school board to Jackson high school which will serve to give that community and economic boost and then if we get the right price we can sell the prime property where the school board building currently sits.

I know closing schools is an unpopular proposition especially in a neighborhood which has endured such abuse at the hands of the powers that be but as I look at it, in these times of scarce resources, and especially since we can help out that community while doing so, it's time for Jackson High school to go.

Now feel free to tell me how I am wrong, and if you are passionate about it, I get it. 


  1. I read everything you write and rarely if ever agree with anything you say. Actually I see what you write and do the opposite. However, moving Duval school board and all the offices to this old school is a great idea. We need to sell that prime property and fight over where to put the money. Spot on man...
