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Sunday, July 1, 2018

When politicians attack DCPS follow the money

Jason Fischer and Scott Shine recently accused the district of "gaming the system" over the Civic's end of the course exam. 

DCPS had fewer better prepared students take the test and they did very well. This doesn't mean the students who didn't take the test won't take it. No, they will before they leave 8th grade which is what the law requires.

This is part of the pupil progression plan, a plan Scott Shine even voted for and mirrored past changes that better prepared students to take algebra and geometry tests but that didn't stop Shine and Fischer from attacking the district and basically accusing them of cheating.

This mirrors what Fischer did last year when he called for an audit of the district, for a budget he helped create when he was on the school board.

Lenny Curry also joined the fray calling for an audit and then this year he refused to sign a unanimous resolution from the city council asking the state board of education not to change the algebra cut scores which will undoubtedly lead to hundreds of mostly poor and minority children not graduating, and he didn't just sign it, he included a snide note as well.

When he wrote the note he had an audience of one as do Shine and Fischer when they attack DCPS and that is their mega donor, Gary Chartrand. They are doing his bidding and trying to gain his favor.

If Chartrand could he would drown our public school system in a bath tub and replace our schools with charters staffed by Teach for America recruits and that isn't me being hyperbolic that is me looking at his actions and the actions of the politicians he had paid for.

He gets politicians to complain about things he voted for, root for failure and injure people the people they should be helping all in his quest to first discredit and then dismantle our public schools.

For Christ's sake Shine voted for the pupil progression plan, and Fischer helped craft the budget he later called for an audit on. The only conclusion I can come up with is they are doing so on the behest of Chartrand or they are just jerks who have no idea what they are doing or what I think, a combination of all three.

We deserve better. We deserve competent and honest and we don't have that now.

To read more, click the link:


1 comment:

  1. If there's anything Scott Shine is an expert at it's intellectual dishonesty and recklessness.
