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Monday, August 10, 2020

Greene is ignoring the resolution to let people work from home. Danger is her default

I try and be sympathetic to Superintendent Greene. On good days she has a really tough job, and these are about as far from good days as you can get. In late July the school board passed a resolution saying as many people as possible should be allowed to work from home, and thus far, the super has ignored it. She is forcing people who could work from home to come in despite the board telling her to do the opposite.

You know there is a big difference between not having the guts to fight the state and their reopening executive order and agreeing with the order and just going along. Sadly this is what our superintendent is doing, but for her to ignore the school board's work from home resolution which was put in place to keep as many people safe as possible is unconscionable.

If you are entirely Duval Homeroom, you don't need to be in the building.

If you are a district staff member who has been doing their job from home for the last five months, you do not need to be there either, and the school board by passing the work from home resolution agrees. The only hold up is Greene and her myopic zeal to return to school.

She wants people to be in the building. She is fine with people risking their lives, and every day she insists people that don't need to be in the buildings go in, she proves it.

I try and be sympathetic, but at some point, she has to own her actions and decisions, and right now perhaps the biggest she is making is needlessly requiring people to risk their lives, and that is unacceptable.

I just want to say if I am in the building and some of my colleagues and district staff aren't, that they are working from home, I am more than okay with it. I don't think they are getting over, or skirting their duties and in fact, I am both glad they are safe and that there are fewer people in the buildings.

Greene through her actions must feel otherwise.

If our leaders aren't going to do what is right, we need new leaders.

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