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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Just what we need during a pandemic, a Jeb Bush siting

Jeb Bush pushes vouchers for unregulated private schools. These schools don't take any of the high stakes tests that public school is required to and in fact, have so little accountability you might as well say they have none.  Jeb Bush also pushes the high stakes accountability tests that have been beating public schools up. Both of these are facts and both of them are incongruent which makes me think Bush either doesn't know hat he is talking about, just wants to punish public schools or both. 

There is a pandemic going on, whether we are in school or not things are going to be considerably different for at least a while. Those in charge should be looking to lighten the load, but instead Bush wants to double down.   

From WLRN,

Florida education officials canceled state exams this spring as public schools shifted abruptly online at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Former Gov. Jeb Bush doesn’t want to see that happen again. He argued state testing is crucial to make sure students are receiving an equitable education, regardless of their families' income.

Gulp, he cares about kids in poverty?

Is that why his education budgets were always ridiculously low? Was that why he created a system of voucher schools that divert funds from public schools? Is that why tests are so important for public schools but completely unnecessary for voucher schools?

Bush is a hypocrites, hypocrite and when the story is written he will be the villain of it.

1 comment:

  1. We worried about the safety of our kids not no test man you not Governor anymore
