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Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Gaslighting of America, the open schools edition

Parents, students, teachers, and community members, you are being gaslit.  Schools will not be safe if they are opened, children's mental health will not be improved, and the survival of the economy does not depend on the opening of them either. Don't be manipulated into thinking any of those are true. Instead, demand the powers that be keep us safe and finally do their %$@ $%@& jobs.

Every day it seems like we learn something new about the virus as it rages out of control. In the last week, I have read articles about how children are efficient spreaders, air filtration systems hasten the spread, and how more and more children are getting it. These are all terrifying, especially since they all have to do with schools.

First, they want us to ignore the fact the pandemic is out of control. Everywhere but a few states in the Northeast is in a much better place than when we first closed down, but they want us to ignore how schools, children, and teachers will be even more at risk?

Then let's talk about the hellscape we are sending students back into. If we do things absolutely correct, the only way to mitigate, not stop but reduce the spread of the disease, and that is an incredibly big if, then think about what they are going to go through.

Six feet apart at all times, more than a few separate by plexiglass shields. When they ride the bus in or move, they will be kept apart as well. Has anyone worn a mask for six hours? I haven't, I wear them whenever I am out but take them off the second I can. Many will be stuck in the same rooms all day long, and that includes lunch. Teachers already overworked will be stressed out, and there will be fear for every cough or sneeze.

Then what happened if one exhibits a symptom, whether sick or not, they will be isolated until whatever rudimentary investigation a school has the resources to do takes place.

Then and heaven forbid how are they going to feel if a teacher or classmate gets sick or worse. That's the type of thing that will stay with many.

This does not sound in the least like it is conducive to proper mental health at all.

Then there is the economy.

I don't want to discount it has been a nightmare for way too many, but I also want to point out that it has been a walk in the park for a connected few. The state has decided to take care of those at the top while many at the bottom fall even farther through the cracks.

Unemployment insurance is running out for millions as a type this.

Then there is the argument that people need to get back to work, and schools have to act as daycares. Well first, that is insulting, and schools are not daycares, but what have they been doing for the last five months? Have their employers been mostly accommodating? All of a sudden, they have had enough?

No, its because the state doesn't want to step up and mandate child care or subsidize it, which is what they should be doing rather than forcing people to risk their lives.

We are forcing kids and school staff going into situations that we all know will be disasters for what? A roll of the dice that all the medical experts are wrong? For two weeks of daycare?

This is the thing when schools open, people will get exposed, sick or worse, and schools will close. I know it, you know it and our leaders, unless they are complete morons, know it too. Okay, that excuses a few but still. Anyone who tells you anything else and points to mental health and the economy as reasons schools need to open is gaslighting you. 

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