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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The District's unacceptable plan to keep us all in the dark

Last week the district announced it would not disclose cases until an outbreak causes a class or school to close. Well, friends, do you know how you get an outbreak that will cause a school or class to close? By keeping cases secret. The District willingly keeping people in the dark is dangerous, reckless, and unacceptable.

So I heard about a case at a school, and I asked, mind you I didn't need to know any names. People should be allowed to keep their privacy, I just wanted to see if it happened and then what the school did to keep people going forward safe, and then this is what the district said.

Hey Chris,

Appreciate you reaching out, but I’ll have to refer you to what we shared on our website regarding medical/health information.  See it below:

Students and staff have a right to privacy with respect to any medical condition they might be encountering, including COVID-19. 

General announcements about infected individuals will not be made. However, if instances of COVID-19 impact campus operations in any way, we will make appropriate announcements through the school.

Medical professionals from the Department of Health determine who needs to know about specific COVID-19 infections. In collaboration with the Department of Health, we will specifically communicate with staff and with families of students based on direction from the Department of Health.  


First, let me say the communications department has always been helpful to me, and I know it can't always be easy. They are appreciated. 

Then that being said, what the #$%&?!?

People should know. If a kid gets lice, everyone in the school receives a note, but if a kid gets a highly infectious and potentially fatal disease, it's supposed to be kept on the down-low?

How is that acceptable?

The answer is it is not, none of this is. 


  1. It's funny how the district invokes the department of health when it suits their agenda and ignore it when it doesn't. Or maybe it's just me. I recommend letting everyone know via social media if you, your loved one, or someone in your school has contracted covid 19. It is up to us to keep each other safe. The district does not care. The government does not care. The only way to keep each other safe is to stay informed so we can make the best decisions for us and our loved ones.

  2. I know they're covering out of pocket expenses but is the district going to take our leave time if we get sick?
