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Monday, August 17, 2020

IT IS Exactly like Florida is trying to get people killed

In the last week, Florida made three announcements that both don't make sense and will undoubtedly lead to sickness and perhaps deaths. In one district quarantined teachers are being required to go back into buildings to teach and yes read that again, the FSHAA has ignored the recommendations of their doctors and said HS sports can start and your governor has said schools with cases of COVID-19 shouldn't close. It's not like Florida is trying to get people killed, it is exactly like Florida is trying to get people killed.   

First, in a state where little makes sense, Martin County is requiring quarantined teachers to return to the classroom. It sounds like the first lesson the administrators in Martin County should learn is the definition of quarantine. 

From WBPFnews,

The Martin County teachers union president says teachers under quarantine should not be forced to return to their school buildings to continue instruction.
Ninety students and six teachers at South Fork High School are now under quarantine after a student experienced symptoms of coronavirus. This latest exposure comes after some students at J.D. Parker Elementary School, Hobe Sound Elementary School and SeaWind Elementary School were possibly exposed to the virus, and told to quarantine. At least 150 students total are now under quarantine following these possible exposures, which have all occurred within the first week of school.
The Martin County School District released the following statement about the new exposures at South Fork High School:
“We have received inquiries about the status of the six teachers at South Fork and their status as essential workers. The teachers will continue to report to campus to livestream lessons as long as they are not experiencing any symptoms of illness. They will follow all CDC guidelines related to essential workers: temperature checks upon arrival, wearing a mask at all times and maintaining social distance from others at all times. They will livestream lessons alone in their classrooms to the students who have transitioned to remote learning, as well as the students on their other class rosters who were not part of the quarantine protocol and will still be attending school in person. These students will participate in the livestreams from the media center or auditorium under supervision by other adults on campus. The District continues to emphasize that students and employees should monitor their health on a continuous basis- if they are experiencing symptoms of illness, awaiting test results or have tested positive for COVID-19, they must stay home.”


Then I had long suspected it but now it is official, sports trumps everything in Florida, including lives.

From FoxNews,

Florida's high school athletic board voted Friday to push aside the guidance of its medical experts and begin practices for football and other fall sports on Aug. 24, with games less than two weeks later.

Physicians had advised that sports not start for at least six weeks because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Then there is the governor who at this point should just get a black cape and a scythe.

From the Herald Tribune,

Continuing his push to reopen schools during an event in Sarasota on Friday, Gov. Ron DeSantis emphasized the mental health ramifications of keeping children at home and said that schools should not be quick to shut down again if they have a coronavirus infection.

Given opportunity after opportunity to do the right thing, Florida always chooses the opposite.

Schools will open, the virus will spread, people will get sick and worse and schools will close, wait strike that last part, people will die, and die and die. This is the system Florida has set up.

1 comment:

  1. Meanwhile teachers aren't even following the CDC rules the first day back. Not social distancing and many not wearing masks.
