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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Simply following orders is not acceptable and it is going to cost lives

In history, when doing terrible things, people have often said they were just following orders? Well, friends, that's the same things directors of the local departments of health, superintendents and school board members have been saying the same thing in the face of DeSantis's directions and Corcoran's executive order. I don't think history will be kind to them either.

From the Palm Beach Post.

“It’s not up to the health department to say a yes or a no,” the governor said.
As Gov. Ron DeSantis pushed this summer for schools to reopen, state leaders told school boards they would need Health Department approval if they wanted to keep classrooms closed.
Then they instructed health directors not to give it.
We have all seen above, but perhaps just as disturbing, the article only mentions one local DOH director who broke ranks. One out of 67. The rest went along. They protected their jobs rather than the people they are supposed too.
Nobody has the guts to stand up to the governor? 
Then what about supers and school board members. So many have said, well, we might lose funding if we ignore the commissioner's order. They are letting themselves be bullied. Well, friends, if you don't stand up to bullies, the bullying never ends, and that's part of the reason we are where we find ourselves. We have let the state exceed their authority and bully districts for years and the culmination of letting all that happen, is we are now risking of lives.
If I was in charge I would say try and take our funding, you have the executive order, I have the state constitution, and we will see you in court.
History has never been kind to those people who say, I was just following orders, orders they had to know were wrong. Orders like DeSantis and Corcoran are putting out regarding returning to school, reckless and dangerous orders that ignore science and will cost lives. History will not be kind to those directors of health, supers, and board members who instead of standing up, just went along.   

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard of the book Intelligent Disobedience? I recommend it. We need more of it. Thank you for posting this. What is happening goes beyond the usual bad decision making. This could prove deadly. My wife and I are not thrilled about heading back for pre-planning next week...
