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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Superintendent Greene, the pandemic won't last but you losing the confidence of your staff probably will

I want to try and be sympathetic to Superintendent, she has a tough job, and there has been a failure of leadership at the city, state, and federal level. That being said, she admitted during the NAACP/Friends zoom call that she thinks putting families and teachers in danger is the right choice. Friends, she knows we will be in danger and says that is okay, and that is not a choice I can get behind.

First I would like to acknowledge some people want to go back, they don't mind the virus, maybe they don't think it is really happening, perhaps they believe their and their family's health is worth the risk, maybe it is something else? I don't get them, and I don't want to spend the energy trying.

Terrie Brady read the results of a poll that said, 1800 teachers, wanted to give virtual instruction, 400 were all right with some type of hybrid and 300 wanted to go back, I have rounded the numbers. That means 72 percent of teachers, the overwhelming majority didn't feel it was time or safe to return, and only 12 percent said, bring it on.

Then what about the noninstructional staff that wasn't given even the meager choices that teachers have? How many of them are saying, let's go? My bet is it isn't many.

This isn't new news either. Back at the end of last year, when the Pandemic wasn't raging out of school, the majority of teachers said the staff was the most important thing, and like now, a majority of teachers were ignored.

This, instead of keeping people safe is the option she is giving teachers. Risk your health or worse or apply for Duval Homeroom, I mean unless you are a staff member, a guidance counselor, a social worker, some other certified noninstructional position, and then it is just risking your health or worse.

Then there was this, an email the district sent last night, "reminding" people of the district's social media guidelines. This is an excerpt taken from Facebook.

The implication is clear, speak up too much or too loud, or say something the district doesn't like and there may be trouble in your future, I mean in addition to the risk your life to go back to school trouble.

The timing is telling as more and more teachers are voicing their concerns.

I would say Greene was dealt a bad hand, but she has admitted she wants schools to open. Putting staff in danger and then telling them with a wink and a nod not to complain about it is a bad look for her and the district. The Pandemic will pass, and at some point, things will get back to normal. I, however, doubt the staff will ever forget how they have been treated. Green has been in the game long enough that she should know it is going to be hard to lead when those following have lost confidence.

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