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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Ron DeSantis moves goal posts risk lives

When positivity rates were low, DeSantis said that was the measure we should look at, but now that they are high, he thinks we should ignore them. It is a sad state of affairs but he will move the goal line over and over again to get what he wants, which is teachers and students risking their lives for a few weeks of daycare. Sadly that's not even the worse thing he has done.

This is a post from the Vice-chair of Duval County's school board.

So he has directed the surgeon general and the DOH not to give guidance? During a health crisis? During a #$%@ing pandemic? I guess him moving the goal line is small potatoes but he is doing that too.

From the Washington Examiner,

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis repeatedly stressed in April and May that the positivity rate of mass COVID-19 tests was a better way to gauge how Florida was faring in containing COVID-19 than positive case totals.
On Tuesday, with the state in a six-week surge of the disease, the governor offered emergency room visits as a better metric to gauge the spread and severity of the disease.
DeSantis acknowledged the flip during a roundtable, when he was asked about the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation that schools not reopen until positivity rates fall to 5 percent or below.
“I was religiously hyping positivity in March, April, May, because I was like, you know what, this is an asymptomatic illness largely for most people,” he said. “If you go back, I can probably find you examples of me in May talking about positivity is really important. I’m not saying it’s not something you would never consider ever, but I think we’ve understood some of the limitations.”
You know it's just lives hanging in the balance, and friends despite DeSantis's assurances things are getting better they are not.
The governor, through his reckless actions, is going to get people killed.
Science doesn't matter, decency doesn't matter, the lives of teachers and students don't matter either. This is where we find ourselves. Elections have consequences, and this last one for governor is going to cost lives.

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