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Monday, August 3, 2020

How deadly is COVID-19? We have just begun to scratch the surface.

I like horror movies and this is how they all begin.

Kids can be killers,
Infected children younger than age 5 may carry up to 100 times as much of the coronavirus in their noses and throats as adults — while older children carry at least as much as grown-ups, according to new research. 

You can pick your poison, COVID-19 or heat stroke,

As COVID-19 cases rise rapidly throughout the South, some scientists believe there could be an important, but overlooked factor in the spread of the virus in the region--air conditioning.

Gulp, well I guess we should be glad a lot of Air Conditioners in my district don't work. 

Time to suit up,

Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested Wednesday that Americans should consider wearing goggles or a face shield in order to prevent spreading or catching COVID-19

"If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it," the nation's top infectious disease expert told ABC News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton during an Instagram Live conversation on ABC News.

Um, why can't we just get hazmat suits?

Lets vent about ventilation 
A new study at the University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering showed ventilation systems can change the spread of aerosolized and potentially virus-containing particles in common indoor areas. The study looked at results in an elevator, a supermarket and a classroom.

I may be safe, my room has terrible ventilation, sigh...

WHO says things are about to get worse? Why just about everyone.
The World Health Organization (WHO) just gave the world the worst possible news about COVID-19 ahead of the incoming flu season. The pandemic is “one big wave,” it’s not seasonal. And that could be a big problem in the coming months, as the flu cases start piling up on top of COVID-19.

So things can get worse? Good to know... cool, cool, cool...

Not a grand experiment
Speaking on a virtual town hall with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Fauci conceded that teachers will be part of the experiment of reopening schools. 
“As you try to get back to school, we're going to be learning about that," he is quoted as saying. "In many respects, unfortunately, though this may sound a little scary and harsh—I don't mean it to be that way—is that you're going to actually be part of the experiment of the learning curve of what we need to know. Remember, early on when we shut down the country as it were, the schools were shut down, so we don't know the full impact, we don't have the total database of knowing what there is to expect.”

Now I know why I feel like a rat in a cage. 

When schools open people will get exposed, some will get sick, others worse, and schools will close. I know it, you know it, the powers that be know it and the medical experts know it. So why are we risking lives? To prove a point? For two weeks of daycare? The one in a million chance the medical experts are wrong? 

This is how horror movies start, when will this one end.

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