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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Did the Times Union have an Epiphany about eductaion?

Did the Times Union just have an epiphany on education? It seems so when they wrote, “Frankly, so long as schools can receive A grades with failing rates of reading scores, the grades have no real credibility.” EXACTLY!

Which begs the question why they celebrated the increases in school grades especially since the gains were based on smoke and mirrors? A graduation rate tainted by grade recovery and a formula that doesn’t count thousands of students and bonus points for students taking advanced placement classes whether they should be in them or not. Acknowledge the hard work but lets stop short of having a parade.

The Times Union’s editorial also discussed the importance of Reading and mentioned Duval County’s Read it forward program but like many things the district does the Read it Forward program is badly flawed.

Last year the district was supposed to train all the content teachers on a wonderful reading program called CAR-PD which still hasn’t happened. This would allow science and history teachers to have a more meaningful reading component in their classes. Last summer they invited many poor readers to go to summer school but then put 18-20 in a class, transforming the opportunity into baby-sitting. If the district is going to do it, why don’t they do it right?

The Times Union often falls into the same trap as the superintendent does and in doing so they like him does the city a disservice. When the Times Union paints a rosy picture they give many the false sense that things are better than they are, much better than they are, when the truth is we are in trouble and we need all hands on deck to work our way out of the hole we are in.

The editors should celebrate hard work, acknowledge dedication, encourage the public roll up their sleeves and pitch in and most importantly demand the school district stop talking a good game and start playing one.

Chris Guerrieri
Stake Holder

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