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Monday, September 24, 2012

Connie Hall embraces her mediocrity

In the Times Union she said about hiring Kriner Cash as the next superintendent:

“Cash is going to raise the level of expectations,” she said Monday. “I think Cash is a transformational leader, and that’s going to offend some people, but we need to be offended. This school district cannot be mediocre anymore.”

The irony is not lost on me how much during the campaign she touted her experience in the district. If we are to take her at her words she was a big part of the mediocrity she now rails against first as a principal and then later as a high priced administrator in the district.

Also I hope the people she thinks Mr. cash should offend aren’t teachers. The group has suffered enough at the hands of the board, including Mrs. hall's long time friend Betty Burney and administration. 

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