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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Times Union dismisses teachers… again

The editors from the Times Union wrote an open letter to the incoming superintendent where they talked about all the positive education resources that Jacksonville has. They went on and on and at one point even mentioned themselves, heck I believe the kitchen sink got a shout out.

One group however they did not mention was the city’s teachers. You know that hard working group of men and women who have been on the front line and have had to endure the horrendous policies of the last superintendent and current school board over the years. You know those who were give all of the responsibility and none of the authority or support.

Once again the Times Union treats teachers as an after thought, heck make that gives no thought to teachers at all.

We are never going to improve as a district as long as we continue to marginalize and ignore our teachers and that's not hyperbole that's just how it is.

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