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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Karen Feagins stops the debate early. It’s not the questions they ask but the questions they don’t.

I was disappointed that Feagins didn’t mention that Darryl Willie was on the WJCT community board last night at the district 2 forum. She might not think it is a big deal, heck it might not even be a big deal but it’s a little piece of information, full disclosure, that I think is important.

I also wish she would have mentioned that Trey Csar, of the JPEF, the co-host of the forum was also on the board with Willie and that they both were Teach for America alumni. I feel like I am peeling an onion here. Her not doing so reminds me that she had Csar on a panel to discuss charter schools a little while back. Now Csar was once the vice principal of one but it never came up that many of his bosses either own or have close ties to them. I think more relevant information left out.

Finally Feagins who also seemed disinterested at points for some reason stopped the debate some 12 minutes early and I know she had questions on the table about Gary Chartrand and race based goals, teacher tenure, voting for charter schools that give candidates donations and VAM scores. I know because I submitted them. I really think Willie would have had a more difficult time explaining his position for some of them than than Paula Wright would have but If 8:30 would have rolled around and they had gone unasked I would have shrugged my shoulders but since that wasn’t that case it makes me wonder why.

It makes me wonder if Willies close ties to WJCT and Feagins was the reason.  

1 comment:

  1. And beside, Karen Feagins has always had a naive modus operandi, very shy school-like and unassertive personality. Surely, had I been the person doing the hiring at WJCT,I wouldn't have hired her; I think she does a great disservice to the Jacksonville community with her refusal to ask the real questions that are pertinent to education. I mean, like TEACHERS TENURE, VAM SCORES for CHARTER SCHOOLS' TEACHERS and CHURCH-RUN schools that receive our tax dollars, STEALING of MILLIONS of DOLLARS of PROPERTY TAX MONEY by CHARTER SCHOOLS' OPERATORS and CHARTERs' PRINCIPALS, REPUBLICAN LEGISLATORS in FLORIDA HOUSE AND SENATE BARRAGE of ASSAULTS on OUR TEACHERS and consequent contribution to the delinquency of a whole generation of young people. Karen Feagins needs to know that a pretty smile doesn't do it; things are changing and that is why the BERNIE SANDERS REVOLUTION has rooted immensely. People are FED UP with these UNSCRUPULOUS POLITICIANS, especially the Republicans and even Hillary.
