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Monday, August 4, 2014

When did the QEA board replace the school board and why did they let them?

I have talked about the QEA board and how they meet behind closed doors to discuss the education policies they want the district to follow. Yes it is true they are paying for quite a bit of it but what happens when their money runs out and to be honest I don’t think it should matter the school board should be setting policy. 

Then this is from Action News: “Different types of teachers can teach different types of kids,” said Nina Waters of the Community Foundation of Northeast Florida.

Waters oversees the fund and said many of those new teachers will come from other counties and a spokesperson confirms the district is already looking elsewhere.  

Who the beep is Nina Waters and why is the media going to her to ask about what’s happening to the districts teachers? Now I have met Mrs. Waters and she seems sincere with her care about the district but at the same time who elected or hired her? Who gave her the authority to speak for the district? Oh the QEA board did. 

She was also wrong by the way. The teachers moved from the QEA schools will be put in other schools and as far as I know the district, which has a hiring freeze in place isn’t looking anywhere else.

Like or dislike the QEA but at least acknowledge it circumnavigates the people and now a shadow school board is now making decisions that should have been made only after the school board fully vetted them in the public.

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