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Sunday, August 31, 2014

The out of control rhetoric from Voucher Supporters.

First don’t think for a second these people care about children. If they did instead of filtering them into sub-standard options that resist accountability they would be working night and day to help improve our schools, to make sure they had proper resources and programs and that their staff members were well provided for and treated with respect, or you know the exact opposite of what is happening now.  

John Legg, who to be honest has been the best of the worst when it comes to education.

“It is now apparent to me that the Association’s stance on educating low income students and access to choice in education is too conflicting with my own. “It saddens me that the FSBA would take a position that looks to eliminate customization in education.”
“Over the years and in particular the last legislative session, I have worked, in good faith, with many that now wish to eliminate school choice for all,” he said. “It is apparent that these groups were disingenuous with their efforts and have put their political views over that of our students’ needs.”

Gov. Rick Scott, "It is unconscionable that trial lawyers and unions have ganged up to use these children as a political ploy. Quite simply, this careless action could have terrible consequences on the lives of Florida's poorest children, who with the help of this program have a chance to escape poverty."
Patricia Levesque of former Gov. Jeb Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education: "If these organizations sat down and talked to the families benefiting from this hugely popular program, I think they'd be humbled and embarrassed by their actions."

John Kirtley, the millionaire bully behind Step up fro Students threatened to play a larger role in Florida school board races in the future.
"If the FSBA moves forward with this reckless suit, the Florida Federation for Children will actively serve the interests of parents and become involved in more school board races for years to come,"
Gary Chartrand, who sent his children to exclusive prep schools completely unlike the ones vouchers pay for, “I believe in choice and in freedom especially for those children that have limited mobility and limited financial resources. The Florida tax credit scholarships provide this freedom for our most underserved population to choose a school that best serves their needs.  The FSBA “is acting without consideration for this population by filing a law suit against this program. This is surprising and disheartening, and I call on them to rethink their position and withdraw the lawsuit.” –
Florida House Speaker-Designate Steve Crisafulli: “This proven, popular program is essential for preparing children for success in college and the workforce.  I hope School Board members will reconsider their actions and put the needs of children first.”
This is the same group who have starved pubic schools of resources, blamed teachers and deamonized their representatives. They have subjugated the children to high stakes testing and teachers to VAM based evaluations, which nobody who is knowledgeable thinks.
For the children? Not even close. 

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