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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The crazy juxtaposition of Florida’s voucher supporters.

Many of the people who support vouchers often point to the disintegration of the family as a reason we have so many problems, but then say, families know what’s best for their children.

They scream about school accountability and how it is so important except with the private schools that take vouchers.

They want teachers to be evaluated using high stakes tests because if not how can we know how they are doing, again except for the teachers that work at the private schools that take vouchers.

They say our kids need common core and STEM to compete internationally, say it with me, except for the private schools that take vouchers.

We should all support the lawsuit filed by the Florida School Board association and supported by the PTA and the League of Women voters questioning the validity of Florida’s voucher program which by the way torpedoes the first amendment.

Society should not be paying for some families’ irrational fear of Gov’Ment schools, hatred of unions or if they want their child to have a religious education. Instead we should be striving to improve our public schools and if people who oppose the lawsuit really cared that is what they would be fighting to do.

To read an alternate opinion, click the link"

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