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Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Jacksonville Public Education Fund doesn’t care that Willie is using their site to mislead people.

I contacted the JPEF to ask them their thoughts about Darryl Willie using their site to mislead people. This was their response.

JPEF produces a number of useful data tools for everyone in the community, including policy briefs and School Facts Jax ( The first we learned of this flyer was from you, Mr. Guerreri, and it appears he is citing our data products, just as he did the Florida Times-Union. Similarly he could have cited the Florida Department of Education or DCPS itself. In fact, more than 30,000 people did so over the past year. We always encourage community members to look at the data directly and make their own conclusions.

I.E. we don’t care he can do whatever he wants.

I wonder how they would feel if somebody their board hasn’t donated thousands of dollars to would have done it.

The JPEF pretends they are above the fray but the truth is they are in the thick of it and since their board consists of privatizers and anti-pubic school activists I believe we should all be concerned. 

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