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Monday, August 4, 2014

Morning Joe attacks teachers… again!

As each panel member led by Campbell Brown went around the table they assured us they were not attacking teachers.

Perhaps the most disconnected was lawyer David Boies who complained about tenure protecting bad teachers during times of layoff but then lauded Teach for America who puts non-education grads with barely any training in classrooms. Sure they might be excited but I imagine the college of ed grads they displace would be enthusiastic too.

Mike Barnacle also mentioned layoffs, well Mike, unions don’t lay off teachers, did you really think they did? How about fighting for more resources than against teachers having work protections.

Finally Campbell Brown said we need to treat teachers like professions, well Campbell how about listening to teachers and acknowledge as a group they aren’t clamoring for merit pay, but what they really want is smaller classes, more resources and work protections too. Also who appointed you the spokesperson for what teachers want? Where did you teach and for how long? Oh that’s right you didn’t your husband looking to get rich(er) is the reason behind your lawsuit.

As each panel member led by Campbell Brown went around the table they assured us they were not attacking teachers. But that’s what they were doing and it was despicable.


  1. Kudos to you for enduring the entire segment. I tuned out as soon as I heard TFA being promoted!

  2. What is the context of this response? Is this a TV or radio program?
    Also, why are we even listening to non-teachers talk about teaching?
