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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Duval says they are going to reduce testing.... again? How can we believe anything they say?

The headline from News4Jax read:  Duval Co. schools to reduce student testing.

The headline from the Times Union said: Superintendent Nikolai Vitti promises fewer tests for Duval Students.

The News4Jax headline was from today where the Times Union one was from March of 2014. 

Who wants to bet I can find something from earlier?

Yep here is something form 2012 too.

Vitti is the equivalent of the boy who cried wolf with testing... charter schools... the importance of teachers... and discipline too.  Sigh, where is the promise this guy arrived with, was it all an illusion?

Sadly his words rarely ring true anymore. 


  1. Chris, were teachers at your school given access to EOC testing materials during a faculty meeting, as they were at the beaches oldest Middle School? I don't think this AD at SHS is the only person in the county cheating...

  2. I haven't seen the list yet--you know, the one DTU agreed upon with DCPS that only 12 tests would be given in secondary schools. You see, the problem is the way testing keeps popping up. I speculate those 12 tests are the state tests for math, reading, science, and social studies. What are the 8 for the district? Probably the twice a year whatever that will replace the CGAs. (This past year, I heard a district director over an academic area say Dr. Vitti was looking into hiring an outside company to write interim tests in lieu of CGAs.) So no more DAR, iReady, Achieve, and so on? If you believe that, I need to sell your email address to phishing criminals. (Do you like the update on old cliches?)
