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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How the local media is letting us down. Public school students data being given to for profit companies.

There is is at the 1:26:30 mark, Becki Couch asks how a charter school would get her son's information. The superintendent replied charter schools have access to genesis the districts computer program.

What's to stop a charter school from using the information to recruit students, oh wait that's what the super goes on to say is already happening. The super goes on to admit the districts own computer program is being used as a recruitment tool for for-profit charter schools to recruit high performing children.

Furthermore since they have this unfettered access what's to stop them from also selling the info they have access to, to other for profit companies. This is like Coke giving Pepsi their secret formula or McDonald's selling Whoppers or Burger King.

The dissemination of  student information is a big issue nationwide and is one of the reasons there has been such a push back against common core. Here in Jacksonville we have both a school board member and the superintendent saying it is happening and the media gives it a collective yawn.

I am befuddle why the media isn't getting this out there.

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