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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Just how out of touch is the State Board of Education? Very Apparently

Pam Stewart’s term as commissioner of education has arguably been a failure. Not only has the accountability system untraveled, the state rushed headlong into tests they weren’t ready for and during her tenure she has systematically ignored the states superintendents, teachers and parents. All of that gives her two thumbs up from the state board of education which I remind everyone once again does not have a true educator on it.

From the Tampa Times: Board members largely praised her work during the nearly two years she has served, lauding her efforts to improve student achievement while shepherding new standards through a politically charged atmosphere. She is the longest-serving of four education commissioners during Gov. Rick Scott's five-year tenure. (There were two others not counting her two stints as intern commissioner)
Others were not as kind, probably because they are ignorant like the board is to what is happening.
Their favorable treatment of the commissioner drew barbs from Florida BadAss Teachers, a vocal statewide educators group.
"Florida has become Alice in Wonderland," group spokesman Thomas James, a Miami teacher, said in a statement.
He added: "Today, the inept State Board of Education showed why we have become the laughing stock of the country when it comes to education policy. ... After a disastrous year filled with repeated failures and a badly bumbled transition to new state tests, Commissioner Stewart is given a glowing evaluation."
Just yesterday I asked what Pam Stewart has to do to be fired and the answer is apparently nothing. She can do anything she likes to the states teachers, schools and children and the clueless board will smile and give her a thumbs up.
Florida’s teachers get a lot of flak mostly for not being able to single handily overcome the debilitating effects of poverty, it’s just sad that their already tough jobs have been made harder because of inept leadership.

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