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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Is it single gender and uniforms that turned Butler around or something else?

If you look at the staff roster for the two schools at Butler it shows there are forty certified staff. In the Times Union it says there are 12 full time City Year (a government sponsored service organization) personnel there too. All this for a school with 471 kids.

I think districts have to experiment to see what works. I have no problem with trying  kids wearing uniforms  or single gender classes. Though I have to say since it’s usually done in schools that are predominantly African American I do find that insulting.

But is it uniforms that turned the school around or is it the incredible staff to student ration? Is it single gender classes or is it teachers being able to give individual attention?

Occam’s razor says the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, and giving teachers manageable class loads where they can give kids the attention they need, not having single gender classes and uniforms is the lesson I believe we should take form Butler Middle school.


  1. I would like to hear comments from students when they are outside of the school building. Have the reporter go out into the neighborhood as students are walking home from school and ask them how it (i.e. discipline) really is.

  2. Based upon the numerous articles about this school, it seems like the district is heavily promoting the program. What about the other middle schools in Duval? Also the fact about making Butler a dedicated magnet. The neighborhood students will be bused to another school.
