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Friday, February 24, 2012

Betty Burney doesn’t understand the difference between resignation and termination or sadly retirement.

When firing the superintendent, something Education Matters thinks they should have done years ago, the school board said,

While praising Pratt-Dannals’ leadership in the wake of the turbulence left by his predecessor, the board members said it was time for a leader with transformational abilities.

I am sorry the last superintendent left with after a 23 month stint with severl hundred thousands of dollars in 2007. 2007!!!!!

Pratt-Dannals has had four plus years to turn things around but instead he made things worse.

Friends enough is enough!!!

This is not a termination or a resignation,” said School Board Chairwoman Betty Burney.

Um hello he was told his contract would not be renewed! That is a termination! Does Burney have vocabulary issues?

She needs to follow him out the door.

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