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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why should we believe anything the district says?

“What is the plan for helping these students?” Wright asked, about the students at the Schools of the Future.

Those students are in the program to begin with because they were far behind grade level and are over-aged. They are making progress in reading, attendance and discipline, district staff said.

“We were told that things were happening … but in fact they weren’t doing everything that we were told they were doing,” said Theresa Stahlman, district chief officer of technology and special services.

To help them, the program now offers learning programs after school and has smaller class sizes, Stahlman said.

Um isn’t this the same district staff that were monitoring Joseph (the former principal) and making regular site visits to the school.

Nobody said months ago, you sure? Have you seen the data that a ninth grade teacher has to keep on every one of their students and the district can’t go, have you double checked?

That’s one of the problems with the district, they only see what they want to see and for the most part unless it is by accident or it is incredibly egregious they are like Schultz from Hogan's Heroes, the see nothing, they know nothing.

Heaven help them if they or the school board member asked a teacher what was going on in the schools. Make that heaven help the teacher because if they were honest their job would probably be in trouble and there would be other repercussions.

The school board is just as bad as the district staff. This didn’t become an issue until Paula Wright just happened to drop by in January. My question is where was she for the first five months of school?

Note, some of above was taken from the Times Union article by Teresa Stepzinski, to read it click this blog's title or paste below into you browser.

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