School Board member Paula Wright’s loses grip on reality or friends take your kids out of Duval’s schools immediately
Mrs. Wright was mad that the governor came to town visit and was excluded. She told the Times Union: “I don’t need the governor’s invitation to attend a school here. I think we lessen our roles when we try to make certain it’s OK for the governor if we attend a school,” board member Paula Wright said. “… As a constitutional officer, I don’t need permission. Nor will I ever ask it to attend [a public school].”
Um Mrs. Wright didn’t you exclude the public when the superintendent candidates came to town preferring just to invite your hand picked friends and cronies to meet them? Oh yeah you did and the school board also announced it would follow the same plan when they returned in a couple weeks.
You don’t like being left without a voice but for some reason you don’t mind stifling others.
Sadly she is what passes for leadership here in Jacksonville and sadly that means we will never meet our potential.
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