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Friday, February 28, 2014

Could House Speaker Will Weatherford be more disingenuous?

It’s all about helping poor people this legislative session Will Weatherford said. No longer will he be there just to help the rich. What republicans were only in Tallahassee to help the rich????

From the Tampa Times:  “I kind of woke up about eight or nine months ago, like last summer. And I just realized that -- I was trying to think: Has my party and have I done enough to advocate for the people are in the greatest need? And I kind of came to the conclusion I hadn’t. And I was kind of a little bit frustrated by that and kind of convicted by that so I just decided every speech I give I’m going to start talking about people that are stuck in generational poverty. And I’m going to start digging in and finding out what’s causing it, what helps people get out of it and what’s the state’s role. Not that we can flip a switch and pull people out. But I’ve really spent a lot of time on that and a lot of focus on that, and that’s probably a little outside the norm of maybe what people would have expected me to do. I’ll talk about it in the opening day of session next week.”

Weatherford said that in recent months he has ventured outside the “country club Republican circles” where he has spent a lot of time in the past and “tried to go into neighborhoods and environments that are folks who historically haven’t voted for me or are people who are living in a different economy from everybody else.”

How does he plan to help poor people, you know the ones he has callously ignored for so long? By kneecapping public education and funneling poor kids into the substandard options of charters and vouchers that is how.

He plans to dramatically expand vouchers including letting the less than poor use them and to make it easier to open charter schools despite the fact as a group they have been disastrous. I am reminded of the old saying with friends like these the poor really don’t need enemies.

Did you see what he did there? He basically admitted his entire tenure has been about helping the rich so you will forgive me if I am not completely buying his epiphany especially since it helps some rich people get richer and kneecaps public schools at the same time.

Also where is the plan to expand medicare allowing 700,000 poor Floridians to get health care? Oh I know that doesn't make his friends rich at the same time.

This man is repugnant and I ashamed that both of us call each other Floridians.

1 comment:

  1. I love vouchers. It's money I don't have now, which I can use for my child's tuition at Bolles
