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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Gary Chartrand, ever the eternal optimist

The Times Union is reporting that he praised Florida’s accountability system, pointing to increases in the graduation rate and how we are doing on an international test as his evidence. It all started 14 years ago when the accountability system started he said.

By the way he’s not talking about accountability for charter schools, 250 have failed since then or private schools that take vouchers as over 160 take public money and teach science as creationism.

These are some facts that Chartrand has omitted, his usual way of doing things, graduation rates country wide are up considerably, even in states that don’t have an A-F grading system and who don’t fail third graders that don’t pass a test and no serious education policy person says we should use the NEAP, the test Chartrand likes, to make policy.

If I said, Florida’s accountability system has stopped us from reaching our potential as a state, it would have as much validity as what Chartrand said.   

This grocer is ruining our schools.

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